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Generate QR by shortcode

Current Page URL (No Attribute)


See the Documentation for QR Shortcode  ->

Custom Text (With Attribute)

[masterqr_link link="Hey Devs, This is Custom Text " size="250"  backgroundimage="" color="#311cb5" background="#fff"]

See the Documentation for QR Shortcode  ->

Custom Link (With Attribute)

[masterqr_link link=" " size="250"  color="#6930c3" background="#fff"]

See the Documentation for QR Shortcode  ->

Phone Number (With Attribute)

[masterqr_link link="8801718972045" size="250" logo="" color="#ff884b" background="#fff"]

See the Documentation for QR Shortcode  ->

Whatsapp Chat (With Attribute)

[masterqr_whatsapp whatsapp="+8801718972045" size="250" logo="" backgroundimage="" color="#311cb5" background="#fff"]

See the Documentation for QR Shortcode  ->

Google Map Location (With Attribute)

[masterqr_maps query="Sharabindu Bakshi" longitude="24.2015042" latitude="88.9968031" size="250" logo="" backgroundimage="" color="#000" background="#fff"]

See the Documentation for QR Shortcode  ->

Wifi Access (With Attribute)

[masterqr_wifi wifi_name="Your-Wifi" wifi_type="WPA" wifi_password="1234" size="250" logo="" backgroundimage="" color="#000" background="#fff"]

Contact info(Vcard)


Screenshot of internal settings




Vcard with attribute

[masterqr_vcard name="Shimul Bakshi" company="sharabindu" subtitle="Creating innovative" mobile="+15623526019" phone="+102194434" email="" website="" address ="2268 S Tongass Hwy, Ketchikan, Alaska 99901, USA" note ="This is a software Company" color="#311cb5" background="#fff"]



See the Documentation for QR Shortcode  ->

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